ICE Encrypt is a simple files/folder encrypting program. ICE Encrypt uses for encryption Algorithm of the new generation - ICESafe. This is symmetric algorithm of encryption outperform all known symmetric block algorithms (DES, AES, BlowFish, GOST, ...):
1. The size of a key for encryption / decryption always is about 1 million bits
2. The size of the block is a true variable. It can has any length like: 64 bit, 72 bit, 80 bit, ..., 128 bit, 1024 bit, 2097152 bit, ... up to 17179869184 bits.
3. Theoretically is NOT impossible to create FASTER block algorithm.
4. Brute force attack against ICESafe is not effective. It's difficult to crack key with size 1 million bits.
5. Easy to implement in hardware.
6. It is possible to make very fast parallel encryption / decryption.
7. Is easy to use ICESafe for making hash or CRC.
8. ICESafe is a very simple and clear algorithm.